Why eating desserts makes you a better person

How often do we feel a massive guilt indulging in a yummy dessert? Probably wondering what your diet freak friends would say about your food habits. We tend to hear lectures from friends, family and even your Gym coach. Well, I have great news for you and your friends. There are many advantages of eating sweets. Just remember like any food sweets that are prepared also come packed with a lot of goodies that help you benefit your body. We all love to eat sweets and don't need a reason whether it's eating as a burst of energy requirement, sulking over the ex-boyfriend or even a job promotion. Sweets can be enjoyed without any particular reason. Just one bite and we feel like we are in heaven. If you are one of us that craves pancakes , chocolates, cakes or any desserts, you are not alone the world is with you. Rest assured you can now feel good about yourself, as new discoveries by science have swiped our minds clean of superstitious beliefs and given us a positive loo...