History of Dutch pancakes

Pancakes are eaten and made in a variety of styles all over the world. Many argue claiming that pancakes first originated in their hometown country. Even though most evidence connects the dots from an ancient Roman trade, it is said that the French are responsible for the creation of the so-called crepes we eat today. In today's world, however, the Dutch have taken the lead role and are well reputed as the best pancake makers in the world. With their scrumptious delights and recipes that include sugar, milk vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg and a variety of spices that can leave your mouth in an ultimate foodgasm.
 Historical traces have shown that during the 1683 era, De Verstandige Kock (The Sensible Cook) that began to market authentic Dutch pancake recipes, has influenced people on a global scale and has led to the foundation of what we like to call the Holland pancake. Historians believe that pancakes were not invented by just one person but rather evolved independently in Holland. In fact, the first pancakes were created with the batter we now use for preparations but a mixture of eggs, milk, dried seeds, flowers which were baked on a hot stone. It is considered that Dutch emigrants introduced the buckwheat pancakes to the Americans. Also known as ‘Hoecake’ in reference to the flat ladle used to bake, it soon evolved to be called ‘Pancakes’.

Why is Dutch Pancakes Special?

Dutch citizens and emigrants insist their Dutch pancakes are the best, it is the time, that we need to face the facts, they really know what they are doing. One can say it is because of the specific ingredients they use while preparing Dutch toppings such as chocolate hazelnut infused syrups and icing sugar dusting. If you are not fortunate enough to live in the Netherlands you can try cafes in Mumbai that offer the authentic taste of culinary fascination. 99Pancakes is a cafe that serves up heritage Dutch Pancakes with traditional toppings. The mini dutch pancakes is a crowd grabber and highly recommended. You can also test your skills by their ‘make your own Pancake’ by picking all your custom toppings and garnishes.

Mini Pancake History:

Although originated in France, this marvel delicacy is totally unknown to France. The Dutch Mini Pancakes takes the prize as a real holland specialty that only a few can master. A Dutch Mini Pancake is sweet and elegant baked over traditional or special designed dutch pancake making machines to cater to the bulk demand. It can be topped with all kinds of fresh fruits and nuts and splurged with your favorite chocolate goodies like choc chips and flakes and topped off with icing sugar dusting and chocolate sauce. Victor Manca, the owner of Manca’s Cafe, Seattle is credited to introducing this dish to gain global popularity.

Have you ever tried a pancake at home or in a cafe? What was your favorite combination of toppings? Was it easy to make it at home? Have you ever tasted the Mini Dutch Pancakes? Do you prefer the Dutch or the french version? Please share your stories or leave your comments below.


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